Welcome to this Website and Course
Welcome to this website! Please note that the Case for God course will run in person on Wednesday evenings at All Saints Church, Church Street, Whitstable, CT5 1PG from 7.30pm to 9pm from 4th May to 15th June inclusive. The course is free of charge --------4th May the subject is the Moral Argument ------- ---------11th May the subect is The Problem of Pain and Suffering ---------- ---------18th May the subject is Arguments to do with dependence and independence --------- -----------25th May the subject is the design argument 1st June School holidays -------8th June the subject is Arguments for religious and spiritual experience ---- ------15th June Pascal's wager and the anthropic principle-------- It is a course which is designed to bring coherent arguments in favour of there being a God. We live in a largely sceptical culture now where many people question the e...